Christine Hentschel


Christine Hentschel is Professor of Sociology in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Hamburg, Germany. She currently works on catastrophic and visionary imaginaries of the future as well as practices of in/security from a sociological and a cultural studies perspective. Throughout her research she seeks to understand how societies make sense of, and prepare for, planetary insecurity in the face of climate crisis and species extinction and how they relate to a future of loss – affectively, strategically and practically. This includes work on government and community plans to prepare for a crisis-ridden future, apocalyptic and postapocalyptic trends in different social and intellectual milieus, as well as emerging protest movements on urban grounds. Her methodological approach includes inventive affective and narrative methods and as well as collaborative futures labs. She currently co-directs the Hamburg-based Centre for Advanced Studies “Futures of Sustainability”

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